Of course I think you should go get my book, but so do other people. 🙂 Here’s a recent, good review of the book: C# 4.0 How-To by Ben Watson.
Some excerpts:
There were a couple things about this book that really compelled me. The format (this is a first How-To book by Sams for me so I assume it goes across the board) was very much like a focused blog. It was broken up into small posts about each topic. The other thing that compelled me was the amount of code samples.
That is definitely the style I was going for and I don’t know if anyone else has picked up on that yet.
Instead, this is a book that you set on your desk and put post-its and dog ears for key sections that you use and use and use before you put the pattern to memory.
I myself use the book in that manner whenever I need a refresh on how to accomplish something.
Go get it from Amazon or B&N or other great bookstores everywhere!
Congrats on the good press! How are sales?
I have nook and I would love to buy the book in nook format. However, the price of the book is $31 where as kindle has it for $17. Not sure if there is something that you can do, but I thought to let you know.
C# 4.0 How-To is worth it’s weight in gold (no joke). I paid $40 (Full Price) for this book and after having used it numerous times, I would have paid $79 (no questions asked)!
Thanks Chuck! That’s a great review! I’m so glad you are finding it useful. I greatly appreciate it! I would love it if you could find time to give a review on Amazon.