In celebration of the beginning of the school year here in the USA, I’m going to give away a few more copies of my book C# 4.0 How-To .
If you’ve ever wanted a step-by-step guide with practicable code examples for hundreds of tasks in C#, .Net, and Windows, then this is the book for you. So far, I’m very pleased with the reviews its gotten (if you already have the book and haven’t left a review, why not? )
Just leave a comment on this post, and I’ll choose two people at random. You must be in the US or Canada.
Also, for twitter users, if you retweet a link to this post using the hashtag #cs4howto, I’ll include you in the drawing as well.
The more comments and #cs4howto re-tweets there are, the more books I’ll give away!
I would love a copy of your book.
I would enjoy a copy of your book!
I’d love to have an excuse to start rewriting some existing code to be more C# 4’y, and this book would be it.
Your C# book would fit right in my tech book library. I’ve got a bare spot next to Code Complete. 🙂
I’d be interested in a copy of your book as well – thanks for the opportunity.
I would be interested in receiving a free copy too. Also, congratulations to you and your wife for bringing Emma into the world.
Didn’t get the book the last time. Well, C#4.0 is worth to try again 😀