Judging, by the blogosphere’s reaction, I’m one of the few people who liked the Gates-Seinfeld ads by Microsoft. They were odd, sure, but it got people thinking, talking, going WTF? – and that can’t be bad.
But I definitely like the I’m a PC ads better. I was at the company meeting when they debuted, and they immediately sparked a rumble in the audience—a positive one.
The cool thing is you can upload your own picture or video with your “I’m a PC” acting debut.
There are some interesting ones: a guy singing in the shower, for instance. Steve Ballmer’s is worth a look.
The greatest thing about these ads, though, is that they essentially take all the wind out of the obnoxious Apple ads that have been on for years.
I liked them as well, and I too have felt squarely in the minority on that one. I especially liked the follow-ups of all the people / professions using a PC.
But I have to admit I laughed pretty hard at Apple’s comeback (PC divvying up funds between advertising and fixing Vista).