I’ve mentioned Free Resume Review before, but I want to now mention their paid services. In addition to their free offerings, you can make a payment and get even more options and services, including:
- Increased chances of securing employment. Our resumes have a high rate of success in landing interviews.
- A contemporary, stylish, unique digital resume or cover letter.
- A personalized resume or cover letter. No templates!
- Free review of your new resume or cover letter as often as you like.
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Go check them out if your looking for resume advice, need a career change, or just want to see how your resume measures up. Also, thanks to them for sponsoring BuyMeALego.com!
Hey I just found a really effective resume website called Razume.com. Basically you post your resume and other users give you feedback on how you can tweak your resume to give you a better shot at getting the job. I definitely recommend it, i got low ratings at first but using the feedback I’ve really cut some of the fat on my resume.
Thanks for the tip. I posted a draft of my resume on razume.com and I already got some helpful responses.
You can find a great resume service at http://www.resumeservicereviews.com.