I have a utility function that takes in a status enumeration and returns a string description associated with the given status code.
It looks something like this:
internal static string MailProcessCodeToString(MailProcessCodes eCode)
switch (eCode)
{case MailProcessCodes.mpcGoodData:
   return “No errors detected in the order mail”;case MailProcessCodes.mpcNoHeader:
   return “Could not find header in order mail”;
I wanted to create a unit test that ensure there was an error message for every possible value of the eCode. Rather than write a separate unit test for each value (there are over 30–don’t ask).It’s fairly easy to do in .Net (using NUnit):
public void MailProcessCodeToString_AllSuccess()
   int[] vals = (int[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(MailProcessCodes));
   foreach (int val in vals)
       string errorString = Utils.MailProcessCodeToString((MailProcessCodes)val);      Â       string msg = string.Format(“{0} has no error string defined”,
                      Enum.GetName(typeof(MailProcessCodes), val));       Assert.IsTrue(errorString.Length > 0, msg);
Enum.GetValues() returns an array of all defined values for an enum, and Enum.GetName() translates a value into the name of the constant.
Now I have a unit test which will tell me which error code does not have a corresponding string.